V+ 기보다

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 여자친구한테 향수를 선물하려고 하는데 추천 좀 부탁드립니다.

I'm trying to gift a perfume to my girlfriend, please give me some recommendations.
친구분께서 평소에 어떤 향수를 쓰세요?
What kind of perfume does your friend usually use?
주로 여성스러운 향이 나는 걸 많이 뿌려요.
She normally uses a lot of a scent that is feminine.
그럼 자주 쓰는 향수를 선물하기보다는 색다른 향이 나는 이 향수를 선물해 보세요. 향기 한번 맡아 보실래요?
Then, instead of trying to gift a perfume that is often used, try to gift a perfume that has an unusual scent. Would you like to try smelling the scent?
가볍고 시원한 향이군요.
It is a light and refreshing scent.
네, 남녀 공용으로 나와서 커플들이 많이 뿌려요.
Yes, it is unisex for both males and females, so, couples use it a lot.

V+ 기보다
As it is attached to an action verb's stem, it indicates that you should choose the following clause rather than the previous clause.

저는 아침에 밥을 먹기보다 간단하게 우유를 한 잔 마셔요.
I drink a glass of milk rather than eat rice in the morning.

비가 오니까 밖에서 산책을 하기보다 커피숍에서 커피나 한 잔 할까요?
Should we have a cup of coffee at the coffee shop rather than take a walk outside because it is raining?

저는 친구와 싸웠을 때 전화로 이야기하기보다는 직접 만나서 이야기하는 편이에요.
I talk to my friends in person rather than talk to them over the phone when I am in fighting with them.

Related words
여성스럽다 to be feminine
색다르다 to be unusual
향기 scent
공용 unisex

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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