N만 하다

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일주일 동안 한국에 머물 예정인데 어떤 심(SIM)카드를 사야 해요?
I am planning to stay in Korea for a week, what kind of SIM card do I need to buy?
두 분이 같이 사용하시려면 휴대용 와이파이 공유기를 빌리시는 게 좋습니다.
It is recommended that you rent a portable wifi router for both of you.
비용이 어떻게 돼요?
What is the cost?
하루에 5천 원으로 데이터를 무제한으로 쓰실 수 있습니다. 기계는 귀국할 때 반납하시면 됩니다.
You can use unlimited data for 5,000 won per day. You can return the machine when you go back to your own (home) country.
많이 돌아다닐 건데 무겁지 않아요?
I'm going to go around a lot, won't it be heavy?

크기는 손바닥만 하고 가볍습니다. 보여 드릴게요.
It is the size of a palm of a hand and light. I will show you.

N만 하다
As it is attached to a noun, it is used when it indicates the comparison to a person or a size of things that could be measured as it is. It is used for exaggerated expressions that could also be idiomatic expressions.

제 동생은 초등학생인데 키가 중학생만 해요.
My brother is an elementary student, but, he is as tall as a middle school student.

집이 어찌나 넓은지 축구장만 하더군요.
Since the house is so wide, as wide as a soccer field.

밥을 너무 많이 먹어서 제 배가 남산만 해졌어요.
I ate too much rice that my stomach is as big as the Namsan Mountain.

Related words
심(SIM)카드 SIM card
휴대용 portable
와이파이(wifi) wifi
공유기 router
데이터 data
무제한 unlimitedness
귀국 coming back to one's (home) country
돌아다니다 to go around
크기 size

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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