-었/았/였으면 -었을/았을/였을 텐데

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수화물로 부치실 짐은 여기 놓으시고 여권을 보여 주십시오.
Please, put baggage that will be checked here and show me your passport.
좌석은 될 수 있는 대로 앞쪽으로 주시겠어요?
Could you give me a seat toward the front area if it's possible?
좀 일찍 오셨으면 가능했을 텐데 지금은 뒤쪽 자리밖에 없습니다.
It would have been possible if you came a little earlier, but there are only seats in the back.
할 수 없죠. 보조 배터리는 비행기에 들고 타도 되지요?
That's too bad. It's okay to bring a supplementary battery on the flight, right?
네, 배터리는 기내 반입만 허용됩니다.
Yes, the battery is permitted to carry onboard (the plane).
여기 여권하고 티켓 받으십시오. 탑승은 14번 게이트에서 2시부터입니다.
Here, please take your passport and ticket. The boarding is gate 14 at 2 o'clock.

-었/았/였으면 -었을/았을/였을 텐데
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when he indicates that he expresses his regret about his actual fact which could not accomplish his wishes, as if he wishes his present state was the opposite.

'-았을텐데' is used when the last syllable of the action verb's stem is 'ㅏ, ㅗ.' Other than that, '-었을텐데' is used if it ends with a vowel (ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ) '-였을(했을) 텐데' is used if '하-' is used.

한 문제만 더 맞았으면 시험에 합격했을 텐데 아쉬워요.
I would have passed the exam if I had gotten one more correct, it's a shame.

우유를 바로 냉장고에 넣었으면 상하지 않았을 텐데 냉장고에 넣는 것을 깜빡 잊어버렸어요.
The milk would have not gone rotten if I had put it away in the refrigerator right away, but I forgot to put it in there.

날씨가 좋았으면 산꼭대기까지 올라갔을 텐데 못 가서 아쉬웠어요.
If the weather was good, I would have climbed to the top of the mountain, it's a shame.

Related words
수화물 luggage
보조 배터리 supplementary battery
기내 on board (the plane)
반입 to carry [bring] (into/onto)
허용 to be permitted
탑승 boarding
게이트(gate) gate

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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