V/A+ 었/았/였으면 해요.

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안녕하세요. 건강 검진 예약 좀 하려고요.
Hello. I want to make a reservation for a health checkup.
다음 주 화요일 오전, 오후 중에 언제가 좋으세요?
How is next Tuesday in the morning or in the afternoon?
저는 오전에 검진을 받았으면 해요.
I wish to have a check up in the morning.
초음파 검사하고 위 내시경, 대장 내시경 검사를 다 하실 건가요?
Will you be getting an ultrasound, gastroscopy, and colonoscopy?
대장 내시경 검사만 빼고 다 할 거예요.
I will do everything except the colonoscopy.
그럼 화요일 오전 10시로 예약해 드릴게요.
Then I will make the appointment at 10 am on Tuesday.

V/A+ 었/았/였으면 해요.
It is used with an action verb or descriptive verb stem. It is used when you wish that the speaker could make a decision or lead the intention naturally so that it becomes true.

‘ -았으면’ is used if the last syllable of an action verb or descriptive verb stem is ‘ ㅏ, ㅗ’ ‘ -었으면’ is used if the last syllable of other vowels is ‘ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ’. ‘ 였으면(했으면)’ is used if ‘ 하-’ is used.

듣기 연습을 많이 했으면 해요.
I wish I could practice the listening drills.

배가 고파서 빨리 집에 갔으면 해요.
I wish I could go home quickly since I am hungry.

나는 네가 그 사람하고 헤어졌으면 해.
I wish you could be separated from him.

Related words
초음파 ultrasonic waves
검사 examination
내시경 endoscope
대장 large intestine

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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