A + 기는 뭐가 -어요/아요/여요?

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아, 지하철에 가죽 벨트를 파는 사람이 있더라. 나도 하나 샀어.
Oh, there was someone selling leather belts on the subway. I bought one, too.
그걸 샀다고? 난 부끄러워서 못 사겠던데.
Did you buy it? I was too ashamed to buy one.
근데 나중에 물건 팔지 말라고 안내 방송이 나오더라.
But, there was an announcement that came out later saying that they cannot sell anything.
응, 지하철에서 물건을 파는 건 불법이거든.
Yeah, it's actually illegal to sell things on the subway.
난 신기하고 재미있던데.
It was intriguing and fun to me.
재미있긴 뭐가 재미있어? 지하철 붐빌 땐 얼마나 불편한데.
What's so fun about it? It's so inconvenient when the subway is crowded.

A + 기는 뭐가 -어요/아요/여요?
It is used when it expresses the strong negative meaning as the ending of the descriptive verb stem.

‘-아요?’ is used if the last syllable of descriptive verb stem is ‘ㅏ, ㅗ’. ‘-어요?’ is used if the last syllable of other vowels is ‘ㅓ,ㅜ,ㅡ,ㅣ’. ‘-여요(해요)?’ ’ is used if ‘하-’ is used. '뭐가’ needs to be spoken with an accent.

가: 이 청바지 10만 원이에요. 엄청 싸네요.
This jean is 100,000 won. It is really cheap.
나: 싸긴 뭐가 싸요? 저기 5만 원짜리도 많아요.
Are you kidding me that it is cheap? There are so many jeans that cost 50,000 won over there.

가: 난 무서워서 롤러코스터 못 타겠어요.
I can't ride on a rollercoaster since I am so scared.
나: 무섭긴 뭐가 무서워요? 자, 같이 갑시다.
I do not think it is scary, don't you think? Well, let's go together.

가: 나 너무 뚱뚱하지 않아?
Don't you think that I am so fat?
나: 뚱뚱하긴 뭐가 뚱뚱해? 예쁘기만 한데.
I do not think that you are fat at all. I think you look so pretty.

Related words
가죽 leather
벨트 belt
불법 illegality
신기하다 to be amazed
붐비다 be crowded

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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