V/A+ 더라.

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너 원룸으로 이사했다면서? 집은 좋아?
You said you moved into a one-room apartment? Do you like the house?
응, 건물이 좀 오래되긴 했는데 방도 크고 월세도 싸서 좋아.
Yeah, the building is a little old but the room is big and the rent is pretty cheap so it's good.
나도 두 달 뒤에 집 계약 만료되는데…. 그 집 어느 부동산에서 찾았어?
I'll also be moving out of my house after two months when the contract ends... Which real estate did you find that house?
학교 후문 건너편에 있는 행복부동산. 사장님이 되게 친절하더라.
Across the street, behind the school, on a sign called Happy Real Estate. The boss seemed very kind.
나도 거기서 한번 알아봐야겠다.
I will check it out there too.
그럼 내가 그 사장님에게 전화해 놓을게.
Well, I'll go ahead and call that boss.

V/A+ 더라.
It is used with an active verb or descriptive verb stem. It is used when the speaker has the experience in the past directly or when the speaker expresses his/her strong feelings to share with friends or younger person. However, the behavior by the speaker is not acceptable.

마이클은 정말 농구를 잘하더라.
Michael is an amazing basketball player.

불꽃놀이를 보러 온 사람이 정말 많더라.
There were so many people who came to see the fireworks.

그 배우는 실제로 보니까 정말 잘생겼더라.
The actor looked so handsome when I saw him directly.

Related words
만료되다 to expire
후문 back door
건너편 across the street
부동산 real estate
되게 very

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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