N은/는 물론이고 N도

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이번 주 토요일에 같이 축제 갈래?
Do you want to go to a festival this Saturday?
무슨 축제인데?
What kind of festival?
도자기 축제인데 도자기를 좋아하면 재미있을 거야.
It's a ceramics festival, and it would be fun if you like ceramics.
거기에 가면 도자기들을 많이 볼 수 있겠네?
If you go there, can you observe a lot of ceramics?
응, 도자기 구경은 물론이고 도자기 만드는 체험 할 수 있어.
Yeah, you can definitely observe some ceramics as well as have experience in making ceramics.
난 만들기에는 소질이 없지만 체험은 해 보고 싶어. 먹거리 장터도 당연히 열리겠지?
I don't have any skills in making pottery but I am willing to experience it. The food marketplace will definitely be open too, right?

N은/는 물론이고 N도
It is used when the first noun is agreeable about the following clause. The second noun is used as an agreeing statement to the preceding clause. ‘은 물론이고' is used if the noun ends with a consonant, but ‘는 물론이고' is used as an ending with a vowel. Also, it is used for ‘ N은/는 물론 N도’. The particles such as ‘에', ‘에서, ‘에게' are able to follow a noun.

그 학생은 한국어는 물론이고 다른 외국어 열심히 공부해요.
The student is studying very hard not only in Korean but also in other languages.

학교에서는 물론이고 동네에서도 나를 모르는 사람이 없어.
Everyone knows me not only in school but also in the village.

짜장면은 물론 탕수육 시켜 주는 거지?
Aren't you going to order not only JJaJangmyun but also Tangsuyuk?

Related words
도자기 ceramics
체험 experience
소질 talents
먹거리 food
장터 marketplace
당연히 without a doubt

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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