V+ 어라/아라/여라.

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할아버지, 저 왔어요. 그동안 잘 지내셨어요?
Grandfather, I have arrived. Have you been doing well?
아이고, 우리 손녀 왔구나. 할아버지가 얼마나 보고 싶었는데.
Gosh, my granddaughter has arrived. Grandfather has missed you so much.
자주 찾아뵙지 못해서 죄송해요.
I'm sorry for not being able to visit that much.
아니다. 먼 길 오느라고 힘들었을 텐데 좀 쉬어라.
It's okay. It must have been tiring coming from such a long way.
여기 할아버지가 좋아하시는 곶감 사 왔어요.
Here, I bought some dried persimmons that grandfather likes.
그냥 와도 되는데 뭘 이런 걸 사 왔어.
You could have come empty-handed and didn't have to buy anything.

V+ 어라/아라/여라.
It is used with an action verb stem. It is used when the speaker demands or directs the listener for doing some work. It is used as a form of an imperative. It is an informal way to talk down of ‘-으십시오/십시오.” This is acceptable when the speaker is talking to close friends or younger persons.

‘-아라' is used if the last syllable of active verb stem is ‘ㅏ,ㅗ' . ‘ -어라' is used if the last syllable of active verb stem is ‘ ㅓ, ㅜ,ㅡ, ㅣ' . ‘- 여라(해라)’ is used if ‘하-’ is used.

급하게 먹지 말고 천천히 먹어라.
Eat slowly, not eating in a hurry.

피곤할 텐데 일찍 자라.
Sleep early since you are tired.

열심히 공부해라.
Study very hard.

Related words
손녀 granddaughter
찾아뵙다 visiting and seeing
먼 길을 오다 visiting from afar
곶감 dried persimmon

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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