V+ 어/아/여 놓다

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이번 명절에 갈비찜 만들 거지? 재료는 다 있어?
During this holiday, we're going to cook Galbijjim, right? Do you have all the ingredients?
응, 재료는 여기 내가 다 준비해 놨어.
Yeah, I prepared all the ingredients.
와, 갈비찜 재료가 이렇게 많아?
Wow, there are this many ingredients needed to cook Galbijjim?
그럼. 가족들이 다 같이 먹을 거니까 내가 제대로 만들어 보려고.
Of course. I'm going to make it right because my family will eat it all together.
그래도 양이 너무 많은 것 같은데.
I still think the amount is too much.
내가 원래 손이 크잖아.
I usually have an open hand.

V+ 어/아/여 놓다
It is used with an action verb stem. It is used when you want to keep the result after you finish the action.

‘-아 놓다’ is used if the last syllable of the action verb stem is ‘ ㅏ, ㅗ’ . ‘-어 놓다’ is used for the other vowels ( ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅡ, ㅣ). ‘-여(해) 놓다’ is used for ‘하-’.

저는 항상 이 달력에 일정을 적어 놓아요.
I always record my daily schedule on this calendar.

올여름은 아주 덥다고 하니까 에어컨을 미리 사 놓으세요.
Please, buy an air conditioner in advance because this summer is going to be very hot.

여행 가기 전에 기차표를 예매해 놨어요.
I booked my train ticket before I start traveling.

Related words
갈비찜 galbijjim (Korean marinated steamed ribs)
제대로 in the right way
손이 크다 open hand
큰아버지 older brother of the father (uncle)

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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