V/A+ 을/ㄹ 테니까

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서연 씨, 오늘도 마트에 장바구니를 들고 오셨네요.
Ms. Seoyon, you have brought your grocery basket to the market again today.
처음에는 조금 귀찮았는데 이제 익숙해졌어요.
It was a bit bothersome in the beginning, but now I am accustomed to it.
저는 서연 씨가 몇 번 장바구니 들고 다니다가 그만둘 거라고 생각했어요.
Ms. Seoyon, I thought you would soon quit bringing your grocery basket after trying several times.
저는 요즘 커피숍에 갈 때도 꼭 텀블러를 들고 가요.
I always bring my tumbler with me even when I go to the coffee shop these days.
정말 대단하네요. 저도 서연 씨처럼 장바구니랑 텀블러를 들고 다녀야겠어요.
It’s really great. I should carry a shopping basket and a tumbler like you, Ms. Seoyon.
생활 습관을 갑자기 모두 바꾸려면 힘들 테니까 하나씩 해 보세요.
It's difficult to change your daily habits all of a sudden, so try them one by one.

V/A+ 을/ㄹ 테니까
It is used to indicate the speaker's guess of an action or work with a reason for the latter clause. A command or suggestion comes up in the latter clause.

주말에는 놀이공원에 사람이 많을 테니까 놀이공원에 가지 맙시다.
Since there will be a lot of people in the amusement park on weekends, let's not go to the amusement park.

눈이 오면 차가 밀릴 테니까 지하철을 타세요.
Since there will be heavy traffic if it snows, please take the subway.

산 정상은 추울 테니까 산에 갈 때는 항상 두꺼운 옷을 챙기세요.
Since it's going to be cold on top of the mountain, always pack thick clothes when you go to the mountains.

Related words
장바구니 a grocery basket
습관 a habit
정상 top
두껍다 to be thick

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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