N을/를 달라고 해요(했어요).

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우빈 씨는 정말 이상해요.
Mr. Woobin is really strange.
왜요? 우빈 씨와 싸웠어요?
Why? Did you fight with Mr. Woobin?
네, 너무 화가 나서 제가 헤어지자고 했어요. 그러니까 우빈 씨가 그동안 자기가 준 선물을 다 달라고 했어요.
Yes, I was so upset that I suggested breaking up. Then, Mr. Woobin asked me to return all the gifts that he has given to me so far.
정말 헤어질 거예요?
Are you really going to break up?
글쎄요. 생각해 봐야겠어요.
Well, let me think about it.
무슨 일이 있었는지 모르겠지만 다시 한번 잘 생각해 보세요.
I don't know what happened, but try to think again.

N을/를 달라고 해요(했어요).
It is an expression of indirect speech for '(저에게) N을/를 주십시오(주세요).‘. The short form is 'N을/를 달래요(달랬어요).’. ‘N을/를 N/에게 주라고 해요(했어요)’ is an expression of indirect speech to ask someone else instead of me for something.

(e.g. 저는 누나에게 과자를 달라고 했어요.(I asked my elder sister for a cookie)/ 저는 누나에게 과자를 동생에게 주라고 했어요.(I asked my elder sister to give a cookie to my younger brother/sister.))

아이가 엄마에게 사탕을 달라고 해요.
The kid asked his/her mother to give him/her candies.

저는 친구에게 빌려준 책을 달라고 했어요.
I asked my friend to return the book that I rent to him.

거스름돈을 안 받은 것 같아서 점원에게 거스름돈을 달라고 했어요.
I felt like I didn't receive a change, so I asked the clerk to give me a change.

Related words
그동안 so far
사탕 a candy
빌려주다 to rent
거스름돈 change

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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