V/A+ 을까/ㄹ까 봐 Someone is worried or afraid of a certain action or state

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넌 졸업하고 뭐 할 거야?
What are you going to do after graduation?
취직하고 싶은데 취직을 못 할까 봐 걱정이야.
I want to get a job. But I am worried that I might not get a job.
맞아. 요즘 경제 상황이 안 좋아서 다들 취직하기 어렵다고 해.
Yes. They say it's difficult to get a job because the economic conditions aren't good these days.
나는 성적이 안 좋은 데다가 인턴 경험도 없어서 취직하기 어려울 것 같아. 넌 졸업하고 뭐 할 거야?
It would be difficult to get a job because my grades aren't good and I don't have any internship experience. What are you going to do after graduation?
난 계속 공부하고 싶어. 그런데 대학원 등록금이 너무 비싸서 걱정이야.
I want to continue my study. But I am worried because the graduate school tuition is too expensive.
일하면서 대학원에 다니거나 돈을 좀 모아서 나중에 대학원에 가도 되잖아. 너무 걱정하지 마.
You can attend graduate school while you work or you can go to graduate school later after you save some money. Don’t worry too much.

V/A+ 을까/ㄹ까 봐
It is used when someone is worried or afraid of a certain action or state.

When an action verb stem or a descriptive verb stem ends in a consonant, use '-을까 봐‘, and when it ends in a vowel, use '-ㄹ까 봐’.

얼마 전에 건강 검진을 받았는데 결과가 안 좋을까 봐 걱정이 돼요.
I had a health check-up recently. So I am worried that the result would not be good.

아이가 컴퓨터 게임을 많이 해서 시력이 나빠질까 봐 걱정이에요.
My kid plays computer games a lot. So I am worried that his/her eyesight gets worse.

공부를 많이 못 했는데 성적이 떨어질까 봐 걱정이 돼요.
I didn't study much. So I am worried that my grades would fall.

Related words
상황 a condition, a situation
성적 a grade
등록금 a tuition fee
걱정이 되다 to be worried
시력 eyesight

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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