V+ 어/아/여 있어요.

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처음 한국에 왔을 때 쓰레기 버리는 방법이 달라서 놀랐어요.
When I first came to Korea, I was surprised that the way to throw away garbage was different.
왜 놀랐어요? 쓰레기 버리는 방법이 많이 다른가요?
Why were you surprised? Is the way to throw away garbage so different?
네, 한국 사람들은 재활용 쓰레기를 꼭 따로따로 버리던데요.
Yes. Koreans always throw away recyclable garbage separately.
맞아요. 일반 쓰레기통 옆에 재활용 쓰레기통이 따로 놓여 있어요.
That's right. There continue to be recyclable garbage bins separately placed next to other general garbage bins.
그리고 재활용 쓰레기를 종류별로 나눠서 버리는 걸 보고 한 번 더 놀랐어요.
And I was surprised once more that people split garbage to throw them away.
한국에서는 플라스틱, 종이 등을 따로따로 버려요.
In Korea, plastics, paper, and others are separately thrown away.

V+ 어/아/여 있어요.
It is used to indicate the continuation of the state after an action is completed. It is used with an action verb stem that has no object.

제 방에는 제가 좋아하는 가수의 사진이 붙어 있어요.
Pictures of my favorite singer remain to be attached on the wall in my room.

어제 먹던 피자가 아직 남아 있어요.
There still remains some left-over pizza that I ate yesterday.

침대에 남동생이 누워 있어요.
My younger brother is still lying on the bed.

Related words
재활용 recycling
따로따로 separately
일반 general
쓰레기통 a garbage bin
놓이다 to be placed
종류별 by kind
나누다 to split
플라스틱 plastic
등 and others
붙다 to be attached

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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