V+ 던

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고향에서 자주 먹 음식이 뭐예요?
What is the food that you used to eat in your hometown?
베트남에서는 쌀국수를 자주 먹었어요. 집에서 거의 매일 아침 쌀국수를 먹었어요.
We used to eat rice noodles often in Vietnam. We used to eat rice noodles almost every morning at home.
쌀국수는 어떻게 만들어요?
How do you make rice noodles?
먼저 여러 가지 재료를 넣고 오래 끓여서 육수를 잘 만들어야 해요. 그리고 육수에 불린 면을 넣고 살짝 끓이면 돼요.
First, you have to make meat stock by putting in various kinds of ingredients and boiling them long. Then, put noodles soaked in water into the meat stock and boil slightly.
육수는 보통 무엇을 넣어서 만들어요?
What do you usually put in to make meat stock?
보통 닭고기나 소고기로 만들어요.
I usually use chicken or beef to make it.

V+ 던
It is used to indicate an action that has stopped without being completed or has continued or repeated for a certain period in the past. It modifies the following noun.

제가 어렸을 때 자주 듣 노래가 요즘 다시 유행하고 있어요.
A song that I used to listen to is getting popular again these days.

제가 대학생 때 친구들이랑 자주 가 커피숍이 없어졌어요.
The coffee shop that I used to go to frequently is not there anymore.

이거 누가 마시 물이에요?
Who used to drink this water?

Related words
쌀국수 rice noodles
매일 every day, every
재료 an ingredient
육수 meat stock
불리다 to soak
면 noodles
살짝 slightly
닭고기 chicken
대학생 a college student

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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