V/A+ 는구나/구나. The informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 는군요/군요.’

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내일 뭐 할 거야?
What are you going to do tomorrow?
내일 회사 동료들이랑 설악산에 놀러 가기로 했어.
I am going on hiking to Seorak Mountain with my colleagues from the company tomorrow.
단풍놀이 가는구나. 나도 가고 싶다.
You are going on hiking to watch the autumn leaves. I wish I could go too.
이번에는 회사 사람들끼리 가니까 다음에 같이 가자.
I am going with my colleagues this time. So let's go together next time.
알았어. 요즘 일교차가 크니까 겉옷을 잘 챙겨서 가.
OK. Please make sure to pack your jacket as the daily temperature difference is large these days.
벌써 가방에 겉옷이랑 모자 챙겼어.
I have already packed a jacket and a cap in my bag.

V/A+ 는구나/구나.
It is the informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 는군요/군요.’.

Use ‘-는구나’ after an action verb stem, and use ‘-구나’ after a descriptive verb stem. Use ‘이구나/구나’ after a noun.

딸기를 잘 먹는구나.
You eat strawberries well.

동생이 참 예쁘구나.
Your younger sibling is really pretty.

벌써 바람이 시원하구나.
The wind is already cool.

Related words
단풍놀이 watching autumn leaves
-끼리 with
일교차 a daily temperature difference
겉옷 a jacket
딸기 a strawberry
바람 wind

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