V/A+ 겠다. Express what the speaker immediately guesses in an informal speech form

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혹시 아침에 일기 예보 봤어?
Did you happen to watch the weather forecast in the morning?
아니, 못 봤는데. 왜?
No, I didn't. Why?
나 오늘 아침에 세차했는데 곧 비가 올 것 같아.
I washed my car this morning, but it looks like it's going to rain soon.
정말 하늘에 구름이 잔뜩 끼었네. 곧 소나기가 오겠다.
Yes, there are thick clouds in the sky. It looks like it's going to shower any minute.
내가 세차한 다음에는 꼭 비가 와.
It always rains after I wash my car.
다음부터 세차하기 전에는 꼭 날씨를 알아봐.
Please make sure to check the weather before you wash your car next time.

V/A+ 겠다.
It is used to express what the speaker immediately guesses in an informal speech form.

배불러서 나는 더 못 먹겠다.
I can't eat anymore because I am full.

새로 일을 시작해서 바빠지겠다.
I think you will get busy because you have started a new work.

이 음식 정말 맛있겠다.
This food must be really delicious.

Related words
일기 예보 a weather forecast
세차하다 to wash a car
구름이 끼다 to become cloudy
소나기 a shower
배부르다 to be full

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