V/A+ 을/ㄹ 때 Indicate the event in the latter clause occurs at the same time with the event in the preceding clause.

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그건 무슨 편지예요?
What is that letter?
제가 미국으로 유학을 가기 전에 남자 친구가 저에게 쓴 편지예요.
This is a letter my boyfriend wrote to me before I went overseas to study.
헤어질 때 울었어요?
Did you cry when you were separated?
네, 너무 슬퍼서 많이 울었어요.
Yes, I cried a lot because I was too sad.

V/A+ 을/ㄹ 때
It is used to indicate the event in the latter clause occurs at the same time with the event in the preceding clause.

제가 밥을 먹을 때 전화가 왔어요.
I got a phone call when I was eating a meal.

저는 다른 사람과 이야기할 때 눈을 봐요.
When I am talking with others, I look into their eyes.

날씨가 따뜻할 때 여행을 갑시다.
Let's go travelling when the weather is warm.

Related words
그건 that (It is the short form for '그것은')
미국 the United States
헤어지다 to be separated, to be apart
슬프다 to be sad
전화가 오다 to get a phone call
이야기하다 to talk
눈 an eye

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