V/A+ 는데/은데/ㄴ데 Indicate a contrasting relationship between the preceding clause and the latter clause

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처음 뵙겠습니다. 얘기 많이 들었어요.
Nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you.
저도 친구에게서 얘기 많이 들었어요. 민수 씨는 뭘 좋아하세요?
I have also heard a lot about you from my friend. Mr. Minsoo, what do you like?
저는 운동하고 영화를 좋아해요. 동물도 좋아하고요.
I like sports and movies. I also like animals.
저도 영화하고 동물을 좋아해요.
Do you? I like movies and animals.
그럼 집에서 개나 고양이를 키우세요?
Then, do you raise dogs or cats at your house?
저는 동물을 좋아하는데 가족들이 동물을 별로 안 좋아해요. 그래서 집에서 동물을 못 키워요.
I like animals, but my family doesn’t like animals that much. So I cannot raise animals at my house.

V/A+ 는데/은데/ㄴ데
It is used to indicate a contrasting relationship between the preceding clause and the latter clause.

저는 독서를 좋아하는데 요즘 시간이 없어서 독서를 못 해요.
I like reading books, but I have no time to read books these days.

이 강의실은 좁은데 옆 강의실은 넓어요.
This lecture room is small, but the one next door is large.

실내는 따뜻한데 밖은 추워요.
It's warm inside, but it's cold outside.

Related words
뵙다 to meet
얘기 a story
동물 an animal
독서 reading books
강의실 a lecture room
실내 inside, indoor

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