V/A+ 지 않고 Negate the contents in the preceding clause but, instead, to list the contents of the latter clause

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청소기를 하나 사고 싶어요. 무슨 청소기가 좋아요?
I want to buy a vacuum cleaner. What kind of vacuum cleaner would it be good?
글쎄요. 저는 청소기를 쓰지 않고 직접 쓸고 닦아요.
Well, I personally sweep and mop without using a vacuum cleaner.
힘들지 않아요?
Isn't it hard?
집이 작아서 별로 안 힘들어요.
It's not that hard because my house is small.

V/A+ 지 않고
It is used to negate the contents in the preceding clause but, instead, to list the contents of the latter clause. The short form is ‘안 V/A 고’.

제 친구가 쉬지 않고 열심히 일합니다.
Without taking a rest, my friend works very hard.

친구에게 연락하지 않고 친구 집에 갔어요?
Did you go to your friend's house without calling him/her first?

저는 머리가 아프지 않고 기침만 나요.
I don't have a headache and I only cough.

Related words
직접 personally
쓸다 to sweep
일하다 to work
기침이 나다 to cough
청소기 a vacuum cleaner

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