V+ 고³ The action in the latter clause takes place while maintaining the completed action of the preceding clause

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스티브 씨가 요리를 했으니까 설거지는 제가 할게요.
Since Mr. Steve cooked the food, I will wash the dishes.
아니에요. 제가 할게요.
No, I will do.
괜찮아요. 설거지를 하면 스트레스가 풀려요.
It's OK. If I wash the dishes, it relieves my stress.
고마워요. 그럼 저쪽에 있는 장갑을 끼 설거지를 하세요.
Thank you. Please put on gloves over there. With gloves on, please wash the dishes.

V+ 고³
It is used to indicate that the action in the latter clause takes place while maintaining the completed action of the preceding clause.

저는 옷을 입 바닷물에 들어갔어요.
With my clothes on, I went into the sea.

오빠가 넥타이를 매 회사에 갔어요.
My elder brother went to work wearing a tie.

할아버지께서 안경을 쓰 신문을 보십니다.
With his glasses on, my grandfather reads newspapers.

Related words
아니다 no (to refuse politely)
괜찮다 to be okay, to be fine
장갑 gloves
끼다 to put on, to wear (It is used to put on things like gloves, a ring, or glasses)
바닷물 sea, seawater
넥타이를 매다 to put on a tie, to wear a tie
안경 glasses
쓰다 to put on, to wear (It is used to put on things like a hat, glasses, or a mask.)

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