V/A+ 지 않아요? Make sure about the information or the fact which the speaker's already knew to the listener

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이사할 집은 구했어요?
Have you found a new place to move in?
네, 구했어요. 학교 근처예요.
Yes, I have. It's near our school.
우리 학교 근처는 집값이 비싸지 않아요?
Isn't a house near our school expensive?
조금 비싸지만 집이 깨끗해서 마음에 들어요.
It's a bit expensive, but I like it because it's clean.

V/A+ 지 않아요?
It is used to make sure about the information or the fact which the speaker's already knew to the listener.

수지 씨는 중국어를 참 잘하지 않아요?
Isn't Ms. Suji good at Chinese?

저 영화배우 정말 멋있지 않아요?
Isn't that actor really nice?

오늘 정말 덥지 않아요?
Isn't it really hot today?

Related words
집값 house price
조금 a little ('The abbreviation for '조금' is '좀')
중국어 Chinese language
영화배우 an actor
덥다 to be hot

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