V+ 어서/아서/여서² Link the actions in order in which they occurred.

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한국어 시험 공부 많이 했어요?
Have you studied hard for the Korean language exam?
아니요, 많이 못 했어요.
No, I haven't studied much.
그럼 이번 주말에 만나서 같이 공부해요.
Then, let's meet this weekend to study together.
좋아요. 학교 근처 카페에서 공부합시다.
OK. Let's study at a café near the school.

V+ 어서/아서/여서²
It is used to link the actions in order in which they occurred. 

'-어서/아서/여서' is used when the relation of the preceding and following actions is close 
(e.g. 친구를 만나서 영화를 봤어요.→ I met my friend and then watched a movie with him or her.).

 '-고' is used when the relation of the two actions is not closely linked 
(e.g. 친구를 만나고 영화를 봤어요.→ I watched a movie after my friend left.)

그림을 그려서 친구에게 선물할 거예요.
I am going to draw a picture and give it to my friend as a gift.

한국에 와서 새 친구들을 많이 만났어요.
I have met lots of new friends in Korea.

명동에 가서 쇼핑을 했어요.
I went shopping in Myungdong.

Related words
시험 an exam
그림 a picture
그리다 to draw
새 to be new
쇼핑 shopping

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