V/A+ 고¹ Link more than two actions, conditions or facts.

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어제 집들이 재미있었어요?
Was the housewarming party fun yesterday?
네, 친구 집도 구경하 맛있는 음식도 먹었어요.
Yes, it was. I looked around my friend's house and ate tasty food.
집은 어땠어요?
How was the house?
집이 깨끗하 밝았어요.
The house was clean and bright.

V/A+ 고¹
It is used to link more than two actions, conditions or facts. Use '-고' after the action verb or state verb, and use '이고' after the noun.

See other uses of '고' expression:

그 가수는 노래도 잘 부르 춤도 잘 춰요.
That singer sings well and dances well, too.

제 친구는 예쁘 착해요.
My friend is pretty and kind.

저는 경찰이고 남편은 은행원입니다.
I am a police officer and my husband is a bank clerk.

Related words
구경하다 to look around
깨끗하다 to be clean
춤을 추다 to dance
착하다 to be kind, to be nice
경찰 a police officer
남편 husband
은행원 a bank clerk

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