V/A+ 어서/아서/여서¹ Denote that the former clause is the reason of the latter clause.

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유학 생활은 어때요?
How is your life as a foreign student?
혼자 살아서 좀 외로워요.
I feel a bit lonely as I live alone.
고향에서는 가족들과 같이 살았어요?
Did you live with your family in your hometown?
네, 고향에서는 가족들과 살아서 외롭지 않았어요.
Yes. I didn't feel lonely as I lived with my family in my hometown.

V/A+ 어서/아서/여서¹
It is used to denote that the former clause is the reason of the latter clause. 

When the verb stem ends in a 'ㅏ,ㅑ,ㅗ', use '-아서', and when ends in a '-하다' use '-여서'. When the verb stem ends in other vowels except 'ㅏ,ㅑ,ㅗ', use '어서'. When the noun ends in a vowel, use '-여서', and when the noun ends in a consonant, use '이어서'.

감기에 걸려서 머리가 아파요.
I have a headache because I have a cold.

요즘 일이 많아서 피곤해요.
I am tired as I have lots of work to do these days.

운동을 해서 살이 빠졌습니다.
I have lost weight by working out.

Related words
유학 studying abroad
생활 life
혼자 alone
좀 a bit
감기에 걸리다 to have a cold, to catch a cold
머리 a head
살이 빠지다 to lose weight

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