V+ 을/ㄹ 줄¹ 알아요. Indicate the ability of doing something by knowing how.

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골프를 칠 줄 알아요?
Do you know how to play golf?
네, 골프를 칠 줄 알아요. 그런데 잘 못 쳐요.
Yes, I know how to play golf. But I am not good at it.
골프를 치러 어디로 가세요?
Where do you go to play golf?
보통 가까운 교외로 가요.
I usually go to the suburbs near from my house.

V+ 을/ㄹ 줄¹ 알아요.
It is used to indicate the ability of doing something by knowing how.

아이가 옷을 혼자 입을 줄 알아요.
A child knows how to dress himself.

저는 오토바이를 운전할 줄 알아요.
I know how to drive a motorcycle.

Related words
골프를 치다 to play golf
교외 a suburb
아이 a child, a kid
베트남어 Vietnamese (language)
오토바이 a motorcycle
운전하다 to drive

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