N 중이다 Indicate that something is going on, and not finished.

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어디에 전화해요?
Who are you calling?
서연 씨한테요. 그런데 계속 통화 중이에요.
I am calling Ms. Seoyon, but the line remains busy.
그래요? 무슨 일이 있어요?
Yeah? Why are you calling?
네, 서연 씨한테 부탁할 일이 있어요.
Well, I have a favor to ask her.

N 중이다
It is used to indicate that something is going on, and not finished.

공부 중입니다.
I am studying.

회의 중이에요.
I am in the meeting now.

외출 중입니까?
Are you out?

Related words
통화 speaking on the phone
부탁하다 to ask a favor
외출 going out

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