장기적인 저유가로 아랍에미리트도 세금 도입 -
UAE to adopt taxes due to prolonged low oil price

국제적인 저유가가 장기화 국면에 접어들면서 정부 재정에 경고등이 켜졌기 때문입니다. 아랍에 미리트는 정부 재정 수입의 80%를 원유 수익이 차지할 만큼 의존도가 절대적입니다. 유가가 살아날 기미가 보이지 않자 아랍에미리트는 세금을 서서히 언급하고 있습니다. “무세금”을 브랜드로 세계 각국의 기업을 끌어 모은 아랍에미리트에서 정부 고위 당국자가 세금을 언급했다는 사실만으로도 관심이 집중되고 있습니다. 이와 관련하여, 국제통화기금(IMF)도 이달에 낸 최신 보고서에서 아랍에미리트가 재정 적자를 피하려면 세금을 적극적으로 도입해야 한다고 충고했습니다.
UAE, which is a country known as a country without taxes, is turning toward starting to tax people. This is because a warning light has been turned on in its government’s finance as the global low oil price enters a prolonged state. UAE has a very high reliance (on oil), to the point where 80% of its government’s financial income is accounted for by revenue from crude oil. As the oil prices show no signs of revival(increase), UAE is slowly mentioning taxes. Just the fact that a high government official mentioned taxes in UAE, which attracted companies from various countries in the world using “no tax” as its brand, is attracting attention. Regarding this, IMF also advised in its recent report published this month that in order for UAE to avoid financial deficits, they need to aggressively adopt taxes.
Study Notes
장기적인 저유가로 아랍에미리트도 세금 도입
= UAE to adopt taxes due to prolonged low oil price
•장기적인 long-term
•저유가 low oil price
•세금 tax
•도입 introduction
세금이 없는 나라로 알려진 아랍에미리트(UAE)가 과세를 하는 쪽으로 방향을 틀고 있습니다.
= UAE, which is a country known as a country without taxes, is turning toward starting to tax people.
•알려지다 to be known
•과세 taxation
•정책 policy
•방향 direction
•틀다 to turn
국제적인 저유가가 장기화 국면에 접어들면서 정부 재정에 경고등이 켜졌기 때문입니다.
= This is because a warning light has been turned on in its government’s finance as the global low oil price enters a prolonged state.
•국제적인 global
•장기화 becoming longer, being prolonged
•국면 situation, state
•접어들다 to get into, to enter
•정부 government
•재정 finance
•경고등 warning light
•켜지다 to turn on, to be turned on
UAE는 정부 재정 수입의 80%를 원유 수익이 차지할 만큼 의존도가 절대적입니다.
= UAE has a very high reliance (on oil), to the point where 80% of its government’s financial income is accounted for by revenue from crude oil.
•수입 income
•원유 crude oil
•수익 profit
•차지하다 to account for, to take up
•의존도 level of reliance
•적이다 to be unconditional, to be absolute

= As the oil prices show no signs of revival(increase), UAE is slowly mentioning taxes.
•살아나다 to revive
•기미가 보이다 to show signs of
•서서히 slowly
•언급하다 to mention
“무세금”을 브랜드로 세계 각국의 기업을 끌어 모은 UAE에서 정부 고위 당국자가 세금을 언급했다는 사실만으로도 관심이 집중되고 있습니다.
= Just the fact that a high government official mentioned taxes in UAE, which attracted companies from various countries in the world using “no tax” as its brand, is attracting attention.
•무세금 no tax
•각국 each country
•끌어 모으다 to attract, to draw
•고위 high rank
•당국자 official, person in authority
•사실 fact
•관심 attention, interest
•집중되다 to be focused
이와 관련하여, 국제통화기금(IMF)도 이달에 낸 최신 보고서에서 UAE가 재정 적자를 피하려면 세금을 적극적으로 도입해야 한다고 충고했습니다.
= Regarding this, IMF also advised in its recent report published this month that in order for UAE to avoid financial deficits, they need to aggressively adopt taxes.
•최신 latest
•보고서 report
•적자 deficit, loss
•피하다 to avoid
•적극적으로 actively, aggressively
•충고하다 to advise
Source : http://talktomeinkorean.com/