휴대폰 하루 20분만 사용해도 뇌종양 위험 3배 높아져
Using a cell phone for just 20 minutes a day increases the risk of brain tumor by three times

New research results came out that say cell phone pose a serious danger to the human body. The radiation that comes out of wireless devices such as cell phones and tablet PCs turn out to increase the risk of cancers, Parkinson’s diseases and brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Through experiments, the research team studied how radiation from wireless frequencies cause damage to the human DNA. As a result, it turns out that if you use a cell phone every day for five years for 20 minutes a day, the risk of brain tumor increases by three times. The research team thinks that especially in the case of children, since their bodies are more sensitive inside, using a cell phone is very dangerous. Dr. Yakymento advised that it is necessary to use cell phones less and keep your cell phone far away from your head using hands-free units and so on.
Study Notes
휴대폰 하루 20분만 사용해도 뇌종양 위험 3배 높아져
= Using a cell phone for just 20 minutes a day increases the risk of brain tumor by three times
•뇌종양 brain tumor
•위험 danger
•높아지다 to get higher, to increase
휴대폰이 인간의 몸에 심각한 위험을 준다는 새로운 연구 결과가 나왔습니다.
= New research results came out that say cell phone pose a serious danger to the human body.
•인간 human
•심각하다 to be serious
휴대폰과 태블릿 PC같은 무선 기기에서 나오는 방사선이 암과 파킨슨병, 알츠하이머 등 뇌 질환의 위험을 높이는 것으로 나타났습니다.
= The radiation that comes out of wireless devices such as cell phones and tablet PCs turn out to increase the risk of cancers, Parkinson’s diseases and brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
•무선 wireless
•기기 equipment
•방사선 radiation
•암 cancer
•질환 disease
연구팀은 무선 주파수의 방사선이 인간의 DNA 손상을 어떻게 일으키는지 실험을 통해 알아봤습니다.
= Through experiments, the research team studied how radiation from wireless frequencies cause damage to the human DNA.
•주파수 frequency
•손상 damage
•일으키다 to cause
•실험 experiment
•알아보다 to look into, to investigate
그 결과, 하루 20분간 5년동안 매일 휴대폰을 사용하면 뇌종양의 위험이 3배로 늘어나는 것으로 나타났습니다.
= As a result, it turns out that if you use a cell phone every day for five years for 20 minutes a day, the risk of brain tumor increases by three times.
연구팀은 특히 어린 아이의 경우, 몸 내부가 더욱 민감하기 때문에 휴대폰을 사용하는 것이 매우 위험하다고 판단했습니다.
= The research team thinks that especially in the case of children, since their bodies are more sensitive inside, using a cell phone is very dangerous.
•내부 inside
•민감하다 to be sensitive
•판단하다 to judge
야키멘토 박사는 휴대폰을 덜 사용하고 핸즈프리 등을 이용해서 휴대폰이 머리 근처로부터 멀어지게 할 필요가 있다고 조언했습니다.
= Dr. Yakymento advised that it is necessary to use cell phones less and keep your cell phone far away from your head using hands-free units and so on.
•근처 neighborhood, vicinity
•멀어지다 to become far away
•필요 necessity
•조언하다 to advise
Source : http://talktomeinkorean.com/