Minu is really busy these days.
불 좀 꺼 주세요.
Please turn off the lights.
배가 고파요.
(I'm) hungry.
Grammar Focus:
For verb and adjective stems that end in ㅡ, ㅡ is omitted without exception when adding an ending that begins with 아/어. Then, the vowel that preceded 一 determines whether 아 or 어 is used in the ending. That is, when the vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ, ㅏ is used, otherwise ㅓ is used. In the case of single-syllable stems in which 一 is the only vowel, ㅓ is added after 一 is omitted.

B: 네, 영화가 너무 슬퍼서 울고 있어요.
Yes, I’m crying because the movie was so sad.
A: 주말에 소풍 잘 갔다 왔어요?
Did you have a nice picnic over the weekend?
B: 아니요, 날씨가 나빠서 소풍을 못 갔어요.
No, the weather was bad, so I couldn’t go.
A: 어제 왜 학교에 안왔어요?
Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?
B: 배가 많이 아팠어요. 그래서 학교에 못 왔어요.
I had a bad stomachache. So I couldn’t come to school.