Jaejun said we should play tennis tomorrow.
부디 씨는 뭐 먹고 싶냬요.
Budi wants to know what (you/we) want to eat.
Indirect quotations are often used in contracted forms, particularly in colloquial speech.

A: 에릭 씨가 요즘 어떻게 지내는지 알아요?
Do you know how Eric is doing these days?
B: 네, 요즘 한국어를 배운대요.
Yes, he said he’s been studying Korean.
A: 지수 씨가 주말에 같이 등산 가재요. 시간 있어요?
Jisu said we should go hiking this weekend. Do you have time?
B: 네, 있어요. 같이 가요.
Yes, I have time. Let’s go.
A: 사람들이 내일 몇 시에 모이냬요.
People are asking what time we’ll meet up tomorrow.
B: 9시까지 학교 앞으로 오라고 해 주세요.
Please tell them to come to the front of the school by 9 o’clock.
A: 재준 씨, 어디에 가요? Jaejun, where are you going?
B: 유키 씨가 숙제를 좀 도와 달래요. 그래서 유키 씨를 만나러 가요.
Yuki said she wants help on her homework. So I’m going to meet her.
>> Full of 'Korean grammar in use - Beginner': Click here
>> Fanpage: Say Hi Korean
부디 씨는 뭐 먹고 싶냬요.
Budi wants to know what (you/we) want to eat.
Indirect quotations are often used in contracted forms, particularly in colloquial speech.

A: 에릭 씨가 요즘 어떻게 지내는지 알아요?
Do you know how Eric is doing these days?
B: 네, 요즘 한국어를 배운대요.
Yes, he said he’s been studying Korean.
A: 지수 씨가 주말에 같이 등산 가재요. 시간 있어요?
Jisu said we should go hiking this weekend. Do you have time?
B: 네, 있어요. 같이 가요.
Yes, I have time. Let’s go.
A: 사람들이 내일 몇 시에 모이냬요.
People are asking what time we’ll meet up tomorrow.
B: 9시까지 학교 앞으로 오라고 해 주세요.
Please tell them to come to the front of the school by 9 o’clock.
A: 재준 씨, 어디에 가요? Jaejun, where are you going?
B: 유키 씨가 숙제를 좀 도와 달래요. 그래서 유키 씨를 만나러 가요.
Yuki said she wants help on her homework. So I’m going to meet her.
>> Full of 'Korean grammar in use - Beginner': Click here
>> Fanpage: Say Hi Korean