[Korean grammar] -거든 Expressing Conditions

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가: 엄마, 이렇게 더운데 꼭 같이 가야 돼요?
Mom, do I really have to go with you in this heat?
나: 가기 싫거든 안 가도 돼. 나 혼자 다녀올게.
If you don’t want to go, then you don't have to. I’ll go by myself.

가: 여보, 이 옷 어때요? 저에게 안 어울리는 것 같지요?
Dear, how are these clothes? Wouldn’t you agree they're not really my style?
나: 이 옷이 마음에 안 들거든 다른 가게에 가 봅시다.
If you don’t like these, then let’s go to another store.

This expression has a meaning of “if the statement (in the preceding clause) is actually true, then…” It is generally only used in casual conversation.

• 바쁘지 않거든 잠깐 만납시다.
If you’re not busy, then let’s meet for a bit.
• 할 말이 있거든 오늘 일이 끝난 후에 하세요.
If you’ve got something to say, then let me know after work today.
• 벚꽃이 피거든 여의도에 꽃구경을 히-러 가요.
if the cherry blossoms are in bloom, then let’s go flower viewing in Yeoido.
• 그 사람이 친한 친구거든 여행을 같이 가자고 해.
If he/she is a close friend, then ask him/her to come along on the trip.

This expression only sounds natural when the following clause contains an imperative, propositive, or a form which expresses the speaker's will or conjecture, such as -겠-, -(으)ㄹ 것이다, or -(으)려고 하다.
• 고향에 도착하거든 전화합니다. (X)
->고향에 도착하거든 전화하세요. (〇)
• 방학을 하거든 배낭여행을 가겠어요. (〇)
• 민우 씨에게 어려운 일이 생기거든 언제든지 도와줄게요. (〇)
• 웨이밍 씨가 오거든 출발하려고 합니다. 조금만 기다려 주세호. (〇)

The meaning of the -거든 form which occurs mid-sentence is very different from the -거든 form which occurs in the sentence-final position.

>> You can click on the title of grammar below to learn the another grammar which also expresses 'Conditions'

>> Full of Intermediate grammars: Click here

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