[Korean grammar] 답다 Expressing Attributes and Characteristics

가: 오늘 저 선수가 왜 저렇게 경기를 못하죠?
Why isn’t that player competing well today?
나: 그러게요. 오늘 경기 모습은 세계적 인 축구 선수답지가 않네요.
I know. His play today is unlike that of a world-class soccer player.

가: 엄마, 이 옷 어때요? 저한테 어울려요?
Mom, how are these clothes? Do they look good on me?
나: 옷이 그게 뭐니? 학생은 학생답게 옷을 입어야지. 좀 더 얌전한 옷으로 갈아입어.
What's that you’re wearing? Students should wear something fitting for students. Put on something a little more modest.

The expression 답다 is attached to nouns and used to indicate that something has the qualities or characteristics of the noun. Specifically, this expression refers to having the qualities that are typically expected in the particular noun.

* 혜진 씨는 여자다운 데가 하나도 없는 것 같아요.
Hyejin doesn’t seem to have any womanly qualities at all.
* 동생에게 그렇게 심한 말을 하는 것은 정말 형답지 않은 행동이야.
Speaking so harshly to your little brother like that is not becoming (behavior) of a big brother.
* 그 회사에는 국내 최고의 회사답게 우수한 직원들이 많이 있습니다.
That company has a lot of outstanding employees, which is typical of a top domestic corporation.

The differences between 답다 and 스럽다 can be summarized as follows.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to learn about the other grammars which also express 'Attributes and Characteristics':
01 -(으)ㄴ/는 편이다
02 스럽다
03 답다

>> Full of Intermediate grammars: Click here 

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