[Korean grammar] -도록 Expressing Aims and Intentions

가: 음식을 얼마나 준비해야 할까요?
How much food should I prepare?
나: 음식이 모자라지 않도록 충분히 준비하세요.
Prepare enough so that we don’t run out.

가: 양강 씨, 서류가 정리가 안 돼서 무엇이 어디에 있는지 찾을 수가 없네요.
Yang Gang, these papers aren’t organized well, and I can’t figure out where anything is.
나: 서류를 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 가나다 순으로 정리를 하겠습니다.
I’ll put them in alphabetical order so you can find things easily.

When using this expression, the action stated In the preceding clause is the speaker’s goal or reason for doing the action stated in the following clause. it is interchangeable with -게.

가: 점심 때 고기를 많이 먹어서 그런지 속이 불편해요,
I think eating a lot of meat for lunch may have given me an upset stomach.
나: 그럼 저녁에는 속이 편하도록 죽같이 부드러운 음식을 드세요.

Really? in that case, please eat something light like porridge for dinner to go easy on your stomach.

가: 요즘 눈병이 유행이래요.
I heard that eye infections are common these days.
나: 눈병에 걸리지 않도록 손을 잘 씻어야겠네요.
(Then) we’ve got to wash our hands well to keep from catching an eye infection.

가: 회사에 건의하고 싶은 것이 있습니까?
Do you have any suggestions for the company (to consider)?
나: 네, 사람들이 일하다가 쉴 수 있도록 휴게실이 있으면 좋겠습니다.
Yes, I think it would be nice if there were a rest area where employees could go to rest while working.

The expression -도록 is also used to express a time limit, degree, or method related to the action stated in the following clause.
• 눈이 빠지도록 전회를 기다렸지만 전화가 오지 않았어요.
I waited with a craned neck for the phone call, but it never came.
• 동생이 밤 12시가 다 되도록 집에 들어오지 않아서 걱정했어요.
My little brother/sister didn’t come home by midnight, so I became worried.

While -게 and -도록 are very similar in meaning, their precise differences are as follows.

>> You can click on the title of the grammar below to learn about the other grammar which also expresses 'Aims and Intentions':
01 -게-
02 -도록

>> Full of Intermediate grammars: Click here

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