[Korean grammar] -다면서요? Citing the Speech or Writing of Others

가: 자야 씨, 남자 친구랑 헤어졌다면서요?
Jaya, is it true that you broke up with your boyfriend?
나: 네, 그런데 어떻게 알았어요?
Yeah, but how did you find out?
가: 마크 씨한테서 들었어요.
I heard about it from Mark.

가: 지난 주말에 설악산에 갔다 왔어요.
I went to Mt. Seorak last weekend,
나: 요즘 설악산이 정말 아름답다면서요?
Is it true that Mt, Seorak is really beautiful these days?
가: 네, 정말 아름답더라고요.
Yeah, it really was beautiful

This expression is used to confirm with another person something that the speaker heard previously from a third party or learned about from some other source. The shortened form 다며? can be used among close friends and acquaintances.

가: 혜선 씨, 남자 친구가 키가 크다면서요? 
Hyeseon, is it true that your boyfriend is tall?
나: 네, 그런데 어떻게 아셨어요?
Yes, but how did you hear about that?
가: 토미 씨한테 들었어요. Tommy told me.

가: 태영 씨가 보네스 받았다며?
Is it true that Taeyeong got a bonus?
나: 응, 그렇대. 회사에서 일을 열심히 했나 봐.
Yep, that’s what he said. Looks like he worked really hard.

가: 수지 씨가 변호사라면서요? 
I heard that Suji is a lawyer, is that so?
나: 그래요? 저는 수지 씨가 주부인 줄 알았어요,
Really? I thought she was a homemaker.

This expression cannot be used to describe something that the speaker directly saw or experienced, nor can it be used to restate or reconfirm what another person has just said.

>> You can click on the title of each grammar below to learn about the other grammars which also cite the Speech or Writing of Others:
01. -다고요?
02. -다고 하던데
03. -다면서요?
04. -다니요?

>> Full of Intermediate grammars: Click here

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