[Let's learn Korean culture] Education in South Korea

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한국의 교실은 어떻게 생겼어요?
What do classrooms in Korea look like? 
The picture above is a classroom from a Korean elementary school. Classrooms have desks and chairs that are next to each other. In the front of the classroom, there is a chalkboard and a television. In the back of the classroom, there are lockers. Students can leave their books in their lockers and move freely. Also, students’ drawings or writings are attached to the bulletin board in the back of
the classroom.

(Image source: Internet)

한국과 여러분 나라의 학교는 어떻게 다를까요?
How are schools in Korea and in your home country different? 
Students in Korea attend kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, and then university. Students will typically enter elementary school when they are 7 years old and spend 6 years in elementary school. After 3 years in middle school and 3 years in high school, students can enter a university. All schools in Korea divide the year into two semesters. The first semester starts in March, which is spring and the second semester starts in fall.

학교에서 무엇을 배워요? 
What do you study at school?
 Korean elementary schools have 1st - 6th grade. Each grade is a little different and students learn different things in each grade. In 1st and 2nd grade, students learn Korean, math, disciplined life, intelligent life, and pleasant life. From 3rd - 6th grade, students typically learn subjects such as Korean, English, math, social studies, science, art, physical education, and ethics. Depending on the school, students can also choose to take different subjects after school activities. 

현장학습을 가서 즐겁게 놀아요

Going on a field trip and having fun  
Korean kindergartens and elementary schools often go on field trips. Typically, students will go to a beautiful place, but it is more popular these days to go to amusement parks and historical places. When they go on field trips, students eat lunch that their mothers packed and share snacks with their friends. They play games by passing towels or going on treasure hunts. Sometimes, field trips include talent shows where students can show their skills

학교에서 운동회를 해요
Sports competition at school
When the weather is nice in the spring or fall, schools have sports competitions. Parents attend the sports competitions and have fun with their children. The competition is typically divided into a white and blue team, and students cheer for their own team. As teams, students compete in events such as running relays, ball rolling, and tug of war. The team with the most points at the end of all of the events wins.

(재외동포를 위한 한국어)

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