A+ 은/ㄴ 감이 있다

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A+ 은/ㄴ 감이 있다

It is attached to the stem of a descriptive verb to show the speaker's decision. It is used by the speaker to additionally show that the decision is in his personal opinion. Usually, the reason or the standard for why he had to make such a decision comes in the front part of the sentence.

그 문제는 고등학생이 풀기에 쉬운 감이 있습니다.
The question is felt easy for a high school student to solve.

미국에서 태어났지만 한국에서 오래 살아서 그런지 한국어로 말하는 게 더 편한 감이 있어요.
Although I was born in the U.S., I feel more comfortable speaking in Korean because I have lived in Korea for a long time.

벌써 여름방학이에요. 대학 입시를 다시 치르겠다는 친구의 결정은 좀 늦은 감이 있어요.
It's already summer vacation. My friend's decision to retake the college entrance exam is a little late.


어제 뉴스 봤어? 줄기세포를 이용한 탈모 치료제가 임상 시험 중이래.
Did you see the news yesterday? It said a hair loss treatment using stem cells is under clinical trials.

정말? 줄기세포가 탈모에까지 쓰이다니.
Really? Stem cells are even being used for hair loss.

줄기세포가 실제로 불치병이나 난치병 치료제 개발에 많이 쓰인다더라.
I heard that stem cells are actually used for developing treatments for incurable or hard-to-cure diseases.

그렇구나. 사실 나는 아직 '줄기세포' 하면 윤리적 문제나 안전성 여부 같은 논란들이 먼저 떠올라.
I see. In fact, still, controversies such as ethical or safety issues come to mind first when I think of 'stem cells'.

맞아. 줄기세포가 그런 논쟁에서 자유로워졌다고 하기에는 아직 좀 이른 감이 있긴 하지.
Yes. Indeed, it's a little early to say that stem cells are free from such debate.

난 난치병에 줄기세포가 유일한 대안은 아니라고 생각해. 좀 더 다른 대안을 찾아봤으면 좋겠어.
I don't think stem cells are the only alternative to incurable diseases. I hope they would find a little more different alternative.

Related words
줄기세포 stem cells
탈모 hair loss
임상 clinic
불치병 incurable disease
난치병 hard-to-cure disease
윤리적 ethical
논쟁 issue

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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