V/A+ 는다뿐이지/ㄴ다뿐이지/다뿐이지

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요즘 시범적으로 자율 주행차를 운행한다고 하더라.
I heard that self-driving cars are on trial-driving these days.

자율 주행차는 내가 정말 사고 싶은 차이긴 한데 막상 구매하라고 하면 망설여질 것 같아.
I really want to buy a self-driving car, but I'm afraid I will hesitate at the moment in the event that someone asks me to buy it.

그렇긴 하지. 기계에 내 생명을 맡겨야 하니까 불안하기는 할 거야.
Yeah. We would get nervous because we have to put our lives in the hands of the machine.

자동차가 스스로 학습하는 프로그램을 만드는 게 쉬울까? 사고가 날 수도 있잖아.
Will it be easy to create a self-learning program for cars? There could be an accident.

시범 운행 결과를 보면 예상보다 도착 시간이 지연된다뿐이지 큰 사고는 없었대.
I heard that if you look at the trial run results, your arrival time will be delayed more than expected, but that was all. There was no major accident.

이제 인공지능이 우리 대신 차를 운전하는 날도 머지않은 것 같아.
I don't think it's going to be long before artificial intelligence drives a car instead of us.

V/A+ 는다뿐이지/ㄴ다뿐이지/다뿐이지

It is attached to the stem of an action verb or descriptive verb to mean the speaker admits the content in the preceding clause but that's only a part, not all. You should include unexpected or opposite content in the following clause. It is usually used in spoken language.

그 영화는 특수효과만 많다뿐이지 내용의 완성도는 떨어져요.
The film only has a lot of special effects, but its content needs to be more complete.

그 사람은 표현을 안 한다뿐이지 자신의 주관은 뚜렷해요.
He only doesn't express himself, but he is his own man.

이 자동차는 오래 탔다뿐이지 자동차의 기능에는 전혀 문제가 없어요.
The car has been driven for a long time, but it has no problems with its function.

Related words
시범적 on a trial basis
자율 self-regulation, autonomy
주행 driving
막상 in the event
망설이다 to hesitate
지연되다 to be delayed

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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