V+ 을/ㄹ 지경이다

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라면은 아직 멀었어? 나 지금 너무 배고파서 쓰러질 지경이야.
Is ramen still not done yet? I'm so starving that I feel like falling into a faint.

조금만 기다려. 내가 맛있게 끓이는 중이니까.
Wait for a little. I'm making it delicious.

알겠어. 근데 라면 하나 끓이는데 면발을 들었다 놨다 하고 있어? 너도 참 고생을 사서 한다.
Okay, but are you putting in and taking out the noodles just for ramen? You do have a hard time buying.

이렇게 하면 면발이 차가운 공기와 접촉해서 수축과 이완을 반복하면서 더 쫄깃해진대.
I heard in this way, the noodles contact with the cold air and get constriction and relaxation repeatedly to get chewier.

인터넷에서 보니까 얼음 두세 개만 넣어도 똑같은 작용을 한다는데?
I heard on the Internet that just a couple of ice works the same.

그래? 그런 건 진작 가르쳐 주지.
Really? You could have told me about it earlier.

V+ 을/ㄹ 지경이다

It is attached to the stem of an action verb to emphasize a difficult and hard situation to exaggerate an extreme situation.

요즘 층간 소음 문제 때문에 정말 머리가 아파 죽을 지경이에요.
I've been having a headache that is killing me these days because of the noise problem between the floors.

두통이 너무 심해서 머리가 터질 지경이야.
I have such a bad headache that my head is going to explode.

오늘은 날씨도 더운 데다가 미세먼지까지 겹쳐서 정말 숨이 막힐 지경이군.
It's not only hot today but there is also fine dust that I'm really suffocating.

Related words
고생을 사서 하다 to have a hard time buying
It is used when you look for trouble or hardness even if you don't have to.
접촉 contact
수축 constriction
이완 relaxation

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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