불꽃놀이를 보러 온 사람이 이렇게 많아?
There are such a lot of people who came to see the fireworks.
규모가 큰 축제라서 그런가 봐. 아무래도 가까이에서 보긴 틀린 것 같지?
I guess it's because it's a big festival. It seems like we cannot take a closer look anyhow, don't we?
응, 근데 불꽃이 번쩍 터질 때 소리가 ‘뻥’하고 같이 나지 않고 늦게 난다.
Yes, by the way when the flame bursts, the sound doesn't come with it with 'Pow' like sound but it comes late.
빛의 속도가 소리의 속도보다 10만 배 빠르기 때문에 빛보다 소리가 늦게 전달돼서 그래.
It's because the speed of light is 100,000 times faster than the speed of sound and the sound is transmitted later than the light.
아, 번개가 칠 때 시간차를 두고 천둥 소리가 나는 것처럼?
Oh, like when thunder occurs after a time difference when lightning strikes?
그렇지. 바로 그런 원리야.
That's right. It's just like such a principle.
V+ 기는 틀렸다
It is attached to the stem of an action verb to negatively decide what is going to happen. '기는' is often abbreviated to '긴'.
난 이번 시험을 못 봐서 장학금을 받기는 틀렸어.
I have no way to get the scholarship because I failed the exam this time.
다리를 다쳐서 배낭여행 가긴 다 틀렸다.
I have no way to go travel because I hurt my leg.
윗집에서 공사하는지 엄청 시끄러워. 낮잠 자기는 틀린 것 같다.
Maybe construction is ongoing in the upper house, it's really noisy. I think there is no way to take a nap.
Related words
번개 lightning
시간차 time difference
천둥 thunder
원리 principle
Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute