이번 답사는 제주도로 간다던데 일정이 어떻게 돼?
I heard that this time we are going to Jeju for a field trip for exploration. How's the schedule?
첫째 날은 한라산에서 화산 지형을 살펴보고 둘째 날은 성산일출봉을 둘러보기로 했어.
On the first day we are going to look around the volcanic topography in Mt. Halla and on the second day, we will visit Mt. Seong Sunrise Peak.
제주도는 섬 전체가 화산 박물관이라고 불릴 만큼 화산 지형이 다양하다던데.
I heard that Jeju island has various volcanic topography that the entire island is enough to be called a volcano museum.
응. 다른 나라에는 없고 오직 제주도에서만 볼 수 있는 독특한 화산 지형도 있어.
Yes. There is a unique volcanic topography that is not found in other countries but only on Jeju island.
그래서 유네스코(UNESCO) 세계자연유산에도 등재됐구나?
That's why it is registered on UNESCO's World Heritage list, right?
맞아, 학술적 가치를 인정받은 거지. 게다가 용암 동굴들도 추가로 등재될 전망이래.
Yes, it's recognized for its academic value. And I heard that it's also expected that lava caves will be added additionally.
V+ 을/ㄹ 전망이다
It is attached to the stem of an action verb to predict what's going to be done in the future.
미세먼지 문제가 심각해지면서 공기청정기 관련 기업들이 수혜를 입을 전망입니다.
As the problem of fine dust becomes serious, companies related to air purifiers are expected to benefit.
약 50년 후에는 한국의 고령 인구 비율이 38%까지 증가할 전망입니다.
In about 50 years, Korea's elderly population will grow to 38 percent.
부동산 시장 침체로 인해 집값 하락세가 당분간 지속될 전망이다.
The decline in housing prices is expected to continue for some time due to the slumping property market.
Related words
답사 a field trip for exploration
지형 topography
등재 registration
학술적 academic
인정받다 to be admitted
용암 lava
동굴 cave
전망 prospect
Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute