한옥 호텔에서 묵는 건 난생 처음이야. 정말 운치 있다.
It was the first time in my life staying at a Hanok hotel. It's really beautiful.
이 호텔은 조선 시대 후기에 지은 건물을 보수해서 호텔로 개조한 거래.
I heard that this hotel was remodeled from a building built in the late Joseon Dynasty after repair work.
이렇게 마루에 앉아서 올려다보니까 곡선으로 된 처마가 참 아름답다.
Sitting on the floor, looking up, I found the curving eaves very beautiful.
처마는 비바람도 막아주고 계절에 따라 집 안으로 들어오는 햇볕의 양을 조절하는 역할도 해.
The eaves also protect against rain and wind and control the amount of sunlight coming into the house according to the season.
아, 여름에는 햇볕을 막아주고 겨울에는 더 많이 들게끔 하는구나.
Oh, it keeps the sunlight out in summer and makes it sunnier in winter.
응, 그 덕분에 여름이건 겨울이건 생활하는 데 불편함이 없었대.
Yes, it is said that thanks to it, people didn't feel uncomfortable living no matter in summer or winter.
N이건/건 N이건/건
It is attached to a noun, with comparable or relative contents front and back to show that the result will be the same regardless of it.
'건' is an abbreviation of '거나', and it is usually used in spoken language.
홍대 거리는 사람들이 많이 모이는 번화가라서 낮이건 밤이건 복잡해요.
The streets of Hongdae are the main streets crowded with people, so it's complicated day and night.
불고기는 어른이건 아이건 누구나 좋아하는 음식이에요.
Bulgogi is a favorite food for adults and children.
교양 수업이라고 해서 가볍게 생각하지 말고 전공 수업이건 교양 수업이건 열심히 들어야 해요.
Don't take it lightly just because it's a liberal arts class, but you have to study hard whether it's a major or a liberal arts class.
Related words
난생 (처음) (the first time) in my life
운치 Classical grace and dignity, beauty
보수 repair
개조 remodel
마루 floor
곡선 curve
처마 eaves
Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute