V/A+ 겠거니 하다

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누구의 에스엔에스(SNS)인데 그렇게 열심히 보고 있어?
Who's SNS(Social Network Service) is it that you are watching it so hard?
응, 내가 좋아하는 가수 거야. 그 가수가 요즘 너무 바빠서 게시물을 못 올리겠거니 했는데 날마다 올라오네.
Ah, it's my favorite singer. I had thought he couldn't do posting since he is so busy these days, but it's coming up every day.
요즘 연예인들은 공연하랴, 에스엔에스(SNS) 관리하랴 정말 몸이 두 개라도 모자라겠어.
Performing, and managing their SNS, I think even two bodies would not be enough for celebrities these days.
맞아. 에스엔에스(SNS)가 팬들과 소통하는 중요한 공간이니까 소홀히 할 수 없지.
That's right. They can't neglect SNS because it's an important space to communicate with their fans.
어떤 사람들에게 에스엔에스(SNS)는 더 이상 사적인 영역이 아닌 공식적인 공간이 된 것 같아.
For some people, SNS seems like an official space, not a private area anymore.
그렇지. 자신의 정치적 신념을 전하는 정치인들은 물론이고 일반인이 자기를 알리려고 할 때도 에스엔에스(SNS)를 이용하니까.
Yeah. Not only politicians who deliver their political beliefs, but common people also use SNS to make themselves known.

V/A+ 겠거니 하다
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to show the speaker presumes or concludes that one, of course, will do so.

겠거니 하고 시험 공부를 늦게 시작했는데 너무 피곤해서 잠이 들고 말았어요.
I started studying for the exam late because I thought it would be easy, but I fell asleep because I was so tired.

회의 시간을 알고 계시겠거니 하고 말씀드리지 않았어요.
I didn't tell you because I thought you might know the time of the meeting.

가벼운 감기이겠거니 하고 병원에 안 갔더니 증세가 심해졌어요.
I didn't go to the hospital because I thought it might be a mild cold, and the symptoms got worse.

Related words
소통 communicate
사적 personal
영역 area
신념 belief
공식적 official

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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