N으로/로 인한

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요즘 근처에 1인 식당이 많아졌어요.
There's been a lot of one-person restaurants around these days.
혼자 밥을 먹는 건 한국인들에게 익숙하지 않은 문화인데 놀라워요.
It's surprising because eating alone isn't a familiar culture for Koreans.
혼자 밥을 먹으면 메뉴 선택도 자유롭고 자기의 속도로 식사할 수 있어서 편해요.
It's convenient to eat alone because you can freely choose your menu and eat at your own pace.
한국인들은 집단 내의 관계를 중요하게 생각하는 경향이 있어서 혼자 밥 먹는 문화가 어색했던 것 같아요.
I think the culture of eating alone was awkward because Koreans tend to value relationships within a group.
그럼, 한국인들이 개인주의적으로 변해가는 걸까요?
Then, are Koreans becoming individualistic?
그런 것도 있겠지만 그것은 1인 가구의 증가로 인한 사회 현상이라고 말하는 사람도 있어요.
That might be a reason but some say that it is a social phenomenon caused by the increase in single-person households.

N으로/로 인한
It is attached to a noun to show that the preceding noun is the cause of the following noun. It's often used in negative situations. It's often used in formal situations where you have to apparently expose the cause and effect or in literary style.

이번 지진으로 인한 피해가 컸다.
The earthquake this time caused much damage.

졸음운전으로 인한 교통사고가 증가하는 추세이다.
Traffic accidents caused by drowsy driving are on the rise.

화재로 인한 문화재 소실 문제가 심각하다.
The problem of losing cultural assets due to the fire is serious.

Related words
1인 식당 one-person restaurant (It means a restaurant equipped with various facilities for eating alone.)
1인 가구 single-person household
증가 increase
(사회) 현상 (social) phenomenon

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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