V/A+ 는다니까/ㄴ다니까/다니까 생각만 해도

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밥을 먹었는데 또 빵을 먹는 거야?
Are you eating bread even after a meal?
난 식후에 빵이나 케이크를 먹지 않으면 허전한 느낌이 들어.
I feel empty when I don't eat bread or cake after meals.
그거 탄수화물 중독이야. 탄수화물이 중요하긴 하지만 많이 먹으면 성인병에 걸릴 위험이 얼마나 높은데.
It's carbohydrate addiction. Carbohydrates are important but there is a high risk of getting the adult disease if you eat them too much.
나는 식후에 꼭 후식을 먹어야 하는데 어떻게 해야 하지?
What should I do? I have to eat dessert after meals.
오늘부터라도 탄수화물 대신 과일이나 질 좋은 단백질로 바꿔서 섭취하도록 해.
Try to eat fruits or high-quality proteins instead of carbohydrates from today on.
건강을 위해 이 맛있는 것들을 줄여야 한다니까 생각만 해도 우울해.
I feel depressed just thinking about having to cut down on this delicious food for my health.

V/A+ 는다니까/ㄴ다니까/다니까 생각만 해도
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to indicate that it is very unlikely according to the speaker's judgment.

방학 때가 가까워진다니까 생각만 해도 기분이 좋아.
I feel good just thinking about the vacation getting closer.

주말에 회사에 가서 밀린 일을 해야 한다니까 생각만 해도 머리가 아파요.
My head gets sick just thinking of I have to go to work on the weekend to do the work I'm behind on.

우리가 헤어져야 한다니 생각만 해도 눈물이 나요.
It makes me cry just thinking of we have to break up.

Related words
식후 after a meal
허전하다 to feel empty
탄수화물 carbohydrate
중독 addiction
성인병 adult disease
단백질 protein

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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