V/A+ 는다더라/ㄴ다더라/다더라.

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이것 좀 봐. 죽은 고래 뱃속에서 29kg이나 되는 플라스틱이 나왔대.
Look at this. 29 kilograms of plastic were found in the belly of a dead whale.
나도 봤어. 작게 부서진 플라스틱 쓰레기를 수많은 바다 생물들이 먹고 있다며?
I saw that, too. They say a lot of sea creatures are eating small pieces of plastic garbage that are broken down into small pieces.
맞아. 플라스틱은 편리한데 썩지 않아서 정말 문제야. 썩는 데 400년 이상 걸린대.
Right. Plastic is convenient but it's big trouble since they don't get rotten.
비닐봉지도 플라스틱이지? 비닐봉지 때문에 생기는 문제도 심각하대.
Plastic bags are also plastic, right? They say the problem with plastic bags is also serious.
외국에서는 비닐봉지를 사용하면 환경 부담금을 내게 하거나 아예 사용을 금지하기도 한다더라.
I heard that they can charge you environmental burdens or ban you from using plastic bags at all in foreign countries.
그렇구나. 우리도 정부 차원의 관리가 시급하다고 봐.
I see. I think, for us too, the government level management is urgent.

V/A+ 는다더라/ㄴ다더라/다더라.
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb when the speaker speaks to the underlying or his friend about what he newly heard. It's an abbreviation of '-는다고/ㄴ다고/다고 하더라'.

뉴스에서 봤는데 내년에 대학 입시 정책이 또 바뀐다더라.
I heard on the news that next year's college admission policy will change again.

우빈아, 유학갈 때 따뜻한 옷을 많이 준비해. 그 나라는 겨울이 무척 춥다더라.
Woo Bin, prepare a lot of warm clothes when you go abroad to study. I heard the winter is very cold in that country.

마리아 씨는 이미 토픽 6급을 땄다더라.
I heard that Maria has already won the sixth grade in TOPIK.

Related words
부서지다 to be broken
썩다 to decay
부담금 burden charge
시급하다 to be urgent

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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