여간 V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 게 아니다

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컵라면 용기를 왜 쓰레기봉투에 버렸어요? 재활용할 수 있게 분리수거해야지요.
Why did you throw away your cup ramen container in a trash bag? You have to separate it so it can be recycled.
아니에요, 사람들이 자주 혼동하는데 컵라면 용기는 재활용할 수 없는 일반 쓰레기예요.
No, it isn't. Cup ramen containers are an un-recyclable general waste but people often get confused.
정말요? 전 지금까지 종이류와 같이 버렸는데요.
Really? I've been throwing it away with paper.
네, 오염되지 않은 용기는 재활용이 가능해요. 하지만 컵라면 용기는 깨끗하게 세척이 안 되니까 쓰레기봉투에 넣어서 버려야 해요.
Yes, unpolluted containers can be recycled. However, you have to put the container in a garbage bag to throw it away because it cannot be washed clean.
음식물 쓰레기도 그렇고 한국은 분리수거하는 게 여간 복잡한 게 아니에요.
Including not just food waste, recycling is really complicated in Korea.
처음엔 그렇게 느껴지겠지만 곧 익숙해지실 거예요.
You may think so at first, but you will soon get used to it.

여간 V/A+ 는/은/ㄴ 게 아니다
It is attached to the stem of an action verb or a descriptive verb to indicate 'it's very much so'. You can also use the '여간 -지 않다' form.

스티브 씨는 한국에 오래 살아서 한국말을 여간 잘하는 게 아니에요.
Steve speaks Korean quite well because he has lived in Korea for a long time.

일과 육아를 병행한다는 건 여간 어려운 일이 아닙니다.
It's very difficult to hold down a job and take care of the children at the same time.

동생이 혼자 해외여행을 간다는 게 저는 여간 걱정스럽지 않아요.
I'm quite worried about my brother going abroad alone.

Related words
분리수거 separate collection, recycling
혼동 confusion
(종이)류 (paper) kind
세척 clean, cleanse

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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