N에 의하면 Reveal the source of a quote

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우빈아, 내가 부산에서 쓰던 쓰레기봉투가 많이 남았는데 서울에서 써도 돼?
Woo-bin, I have a lot of trash bags left that I was using in Busan, can I use them in Seoul?
아니, 타 지역 쓰레기봉투를 그냥 쓰면 안 돼. 지역마다 다르지만 행정복지센터에서 스티커를 사서 붙인 후에 써야 해.
No, you can't just use a trash bag from another area. It's different from region to region, but you have to buy a sticker from the Administration and Welfare Service and put it before you use them.
그렇구나. 구입처에서 환불받았어야 하는데 내가 너무 늦게 알았거든.
I see. I should have got a refund at where I bought it but I realized it too late.
쓰레기 종량제 봉투는 보통 묶음으로 파니까 남을 때가 종종 있지.
Trash-meter-rate bags often remain because they are usually sold in bundles.
맞아. 여러모로 번거로운 것 같아.
That's right. I think it's a hassle in many ways.
그래도 통계 자료에 의하면 종량제 덕분에 쓰레기 배출량이 많이 줄었대.
Still, statistics show that there's a huge drop in trash emissions thanks to the meter-rate system.

N에 의하면
It is attached to a noun to reveal the source of a quote. It is natural to use it with a reliable source. The cited content is presented in indirect citation form in the following clause.

통계 자료에 의하면 한국의 출산율은 OECD 국가 중 최하위라고 한다.
According to statistics, Korea's birth rate is the lowest among OECD countries.

들리는 소문에 의하면 우리 회사의 경영진들이 대거 교체될 거라고 해요.
According to a rumor, a large number of our executives will be replaced.

연구 결과에 의하면 성인의 적절한 수면 시간은 7시간이라고 합니다.
According to studies, proper sleep time for adults is seven hours.

Related words
지역 area, region
행정복지센터 Administration and Welfare Service Center
An administrative government agency that provides administrative and welfare services to residents.
스티커 sticker
구입처 place of purchase
종량제 the meter-rate system
A system that charge taxes or fee on goods by weight, length, and capacity.
묶음 bundle
여러모로 in many ways
배출량 emission volume

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