V+ 기에는 Express the antecedent clause is the criterion of judgment

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여보, 저도 한국 생활에 익숙해졌으니까 이제 일자리를 알아볼까 해요.
Honey, I got used to living in Korea, so I'm thinking of finding a job now.
좋은 생각이에요. 요즘은 다문화가족지원센터에서 취업 정보도 얻을 수 있다고 해요.
That's a good idea. I heard that you can also get job information from the multicultural family support center these days.
저도 알아봤는데 센터 홈페이지에 통역사를 뽑는다는 채용 공고가 떴더라고요.
I checked it out, and the center's homepage posted a job opening about hiring an interpreter.
그래요? 당신은 한국어도 잘하고 순발력도 좋으니까 그 일이 잘 맞을 거예요.
Really? You're good at Korean and you're quick-witted, so that will suit you.
제대로 통역하기에는 실력이 아직 부족하지만 그래도 한번 도전해 보려고요.
I'm not yet competent enough to make a good interpretation, but I'm going to try.
좋아요. 나도 서류 접수나 면접 준비를 도와줄게요.
Ok. I'll help you with the paperwork and the interview.

V+ 기에는
It is attached to the stem of an action verb to express the antecedent clause is the criterion of judgment. It means doing like the antecedent clause is like what is said in the following clause. The following clause includes the speaker's negative judgment.

그 책은 초등학생이 읽기에는 너무 어려운 내용이었어요.
The book was too difficult for elementary school students to read.

이 옷은 좀 오래됐지만 재질도 좋고 디자인도 예뻐서 남 주기에는 좀 아깝다.
This dress is old, but it makes me hesitate a little to give it to someone else since it has a pretty design and is made of good material.

경제 위기에서 벗어났다고 안심하기에는 아직 이릅니다.
It's too early to be relieved just because we are out of the economic crisis.

Related words
일자리 job
통역사 translator
채용 hire
(공고가) 뜨다 to post (a job opening)
순발력 quick wit
도전 challenge, attempt

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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