N이며/며 N이며/며 List more than one example of the following clause

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오늘 발레 공연은 정말 좋았어요. 음악이며 무대 다 만족스러워요.
Today's ballet performance was really good. I'm satisfied with the music, the stage, and everything.
저도 유명한 곡이 많이 나와서 익숙했어요. 처음부터 끝까지 안 들어본 곡이 없을 정도예요.
I felt familiar, too because lots of famous songs were played. There wasn’t a song that I have never heard of from the beginning till the end.
맞아요. 관현악단의 연주가 아직도 귀에 생생해요. 무대는 어땠어요?
You are right. The orchestra's performance is still vivid in my ears. How was the stage?
화려한 무대를 배경으로 펼쳐지는 무용수들의 아름다운 춤동작이 아주 인상적이었어요.
I was very impressed by the beautiful movements of the dancers in the setting of the splendid stage.
여러 명의 무용수가 하나의 큰 모양을 만들어 보여줄 때는 정말 우아하지 않았어요?
Wasn't it really elegant when several dancers formed one large shape?
네, 정말 멋졌어요. 그리고 전투 장면에서는 무대가 역동적이어서 손에 땀이 나더라고요.
Yes, it was really cool. And my hands were sweating in the battle scene because the stage was so dynamic.

N이며/며 N이며/며
It is attached to a noun to list more than one example of the following clause. You can use '이며' continuously.

You should use '이며', after a noun that ends with a consonant. When the noun ends with a vowel, you should use '며'."

그 식당은 음식 맛이며 분위기 다 좋아요.
The food taste, atmosphere, everything is good in that restaurant.

영수 씨는 공부 운동이며 못하는 게 없어요.
Young soo is capable of doing everything such as studying or exercising.

졸업식에 가족이며 친구 아는 사람들이 다 왔어요.
All my acquaintances including my family and friends came to the graduation ceremony.

Related words
만족스럽다 to be satisfied with
관현악단 orchestra
생생하다 to be fresh
무용수 dancer
춤동작 dance movement
우아하다 to be elegant
전투 battle
역동적 dynamic

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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