유양 씨, 발표 잘했어요?
Ms. Yu Yang, did you present well?
아니요. 잘 못했어요. 이번에도 교수님께 지적을 받았어요.
No. I did not do well. I got criticism from the professor this time again.
왜요? 발표 연습을 많이 했잖아요.
Why? You practiced your presentation a lot.
교수님께서 제 발표 태도가 안 좋다고 하셨어요. 저도 몰랐는데 제가 발표할 때마다 머리를 긁적거린대요.
The professor said my presentation manner was not good. I did not know but every time I present I scratch my head idly.
유양 씨는 떨리고 긴장되면 그렇게 하나 봐요.
Ms. Yu Yang must do that when shaking and is nervous.
네, 평소에는 안 그러다가도 발표할 때는 왜 그런 행동을 하는지 모르겠어요.
Yes, I usually do not do it but I don't know why I act like that when I present.
V/A+ 다가도
As it is attached to an action verb's stem or descriptive verb's stem, it is used when the action or condition changes: nevertheless, it seems to be continued. It expresses the combination of the connective ending, '-다가' which indicates that the new action occurs when it has not been completed by the previous action and the particle, '도'.
정 대리님은 평소에는 잘 웃다가도 회의 시간에는 잘 웃지 않아요.
Even though assistant manager Chung laughs normally, he does not laugh that often.
한국말을 잘하다가도 긴장을 하면 실수를 하게 돼요.
Even though he speaks in Korean well, he makes mistakes if he gets nervous.
우리 아이는 밥을 잘 먹다가도 갑자기 먹기 싫다고 고집을 부려.
Even though my child loves to eat meals well, suddenly he will not want to eat them with stubbornness.
Related words
지적 criticism
긁적거리다 to scratch idly
떨리다 to shake
행동 act
Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute